However, he realized he is not getting personal growth and wanted to change professions to become a teacher, a musician or a football coach. McConaughey starred in a series of romantic comedies in the 1990s and this became his brand and made him rich.

Push yourself to take calculated risks:.McConaughey gives many life lessons in this book. Any hardship, any pause we took, any intervention, interruption… they have greenlight assets that will be revealed to us later.” McConaughey adds, “Red and yellow lights eventually turn green in the rearview mirror.” They have a lesson in them that we were supposed to learn. He explains further “The verb of the greenlight metaphor is really in the yellow light, meaning you have the choice to slow down and stop and let it become a red light, which sometimes we need to do in life when we need to have some introspection." Finally, he says, “I found all the red and yellow lights in life revealed themselves to have at least a greenlight asset in the future. It’s things in our life that affirm our way, they say ‘go, proceed, more, please carry on.’ While yellow and red lights make us slow down in life - they can be crisis, hardship, intervention, interruption.”

He believes that “a greenlight is being kind to our future self. McConaughey starts the book by diving deep into the title of his book and explains the metaphor of greenlights means. He compiled his journals (started at the age of 14) and wrote the entire book in 52 days. 'Coz he's turned 50 and wants to share his poems, aphorisms or ‘bumper stickers’ on living life. This amazing actor published his memoir / biography last year - 'Greenlights'. One, I need something to look up to, another to look forward to, and another is someone to chase." - Oscar acceptance speech by Matthew McConaughey.

"There are three things that I need each day.